
About Me

I am a writer and filmmaker living in southern California. I recently completed my debut film, a short entitled ELLIOTT'S TO DO LIST, and am currently working on some upcoming music videos for recording artist Spencer Gibb

My desire to become a filmmaker began after seeing "Stand By Me" at a young age. I could relate to the characters. I had loved movies my whole life and it was the "light bulb" moment of realization that I could actually be a part of it and that I had my own stories to tell. My love of film began expanding as I started to discover films like Fellini's "Amarcord", Hitchcock's "Rope" and Mike Nichols' "The Graduate" along with many other classics. 

As a writer, my love of "Stand By Me" naturally turned me on to the works of Stephen King. In addition to King, I also admire the writings of Kafka, Neil Gaiman and screenwriter William Goldman.